Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Prezi on Poetry

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome to the Compendium

Welcome to my blog! This blog will chronicle my academic adventures at Westminster College as I work toward my Masters degree and teaching license. I've ever so cleverly chosen the word "compendium" as my blog title because a compendium is a concise, yet comprehensive compilation of a body of knowledge. The challenge will be to see if this blog turns out to be what it says it is: a compendium.

The next point of business is to explain that ever so catchy picture above. Yes, that is me talking with an ancient statue. I often get joy and happiness from discussing the deep philosophical questions of today, yesterday, and tomorrow with inanimate stone objects that resemble humans.

Speaking of humans, I consider myself an abolitionist.  I know, I know, you are probably thinking, "how can you be an abolitionist in 2011?  Didn't that title go out with the end of the Civil War?"  NO!  Modern slavery exists and the trafficking of women alone is the 3rd largest illegal industry in the world.  To get a taste for the passion for which I feel about this subject, check out the video link below.

As an educator, I feel that using technology in the classroom both as a way to learn and to express learning is crucial.  Here's a question for you other educators out there: How do/will you use technology in your classroom?